Designed by Students of Planning as a Resource for Citizens of Connecticut Towns.


A Subject in the POCD deliberations of Newington, Ct.: CEDAR MOUNTAIN RIDGELINE

by Justin Reich

Cedar Mountain is part of the Metacomet Trail (New Hampshire through Branford, CT). It is one of 7 trap rock ridges in CT. The blue stone is very valuable and is a high priority for conservation. Cedar Mountain has approximately 680 acres of undeveloped land with several owners: State of CT (approximately 50 acres), Balf Quarry (Tilcon Tomasso) (approximately 600 acres) and Marcap Industries (28 acres).

2000 A proposal came before the Town Planning & Zoning Commission to develop as a commercial site. The plan included removing tons of the trap rock from the mountain to prepare for development. The TPZ turned down the application.

2002 The first grant was applied for $500,000.00. At that time the grant was for 59 acres (30 acres of Balf property and 29 acres of Hartford Hospital property). Balf pulled out after the grant was awarded and at that time the dealings fell apart.

2007 DEP approves grant on the 28 acre parcel for $500,000.00. The 28 acre parcel owned by Hartford Hospital was negotiating with the Town of Newington. The Town was working with Humane Society to purchase property. As negotiations were taking place, Marcap Industries swooped in and bought for 1.2 million without an appraisal in April, 2007.One of the principals of Marcap Industries (Stanley Cohen) was on the Board of Directors of Hartford Hospital.

In July two appraisals were done by Marcap Ind. One of the appraisals came in at 2.8 million, the other at 1.8 million. The appraisals stated they were based on the extraordinary assumption that the town would change the zoning from Commercial to residential.

2008 In August, Stanley Cohen writes letter to Town of Newington stating Marcap Industries would sell 7.5 acres of land (extremely steep slopes) for 3 million dollars ($250,000 cash and the balance will be recognized as a charitable contribution to the Town of Newington). Town turns down offer.

2009 In September, Toll Bros. requests zone change from TPZ for 28 acres from commercial development to residential. Sale of land from Marcap Industries to Toll Bros.
contingent on zone change. Toll Brothers withdraws application after public outcry. I’ve received information that Toll Bros. had contacted Tilcon Tomasso (Balf property) to purchase property from them as well. Tilcon property is already zoned residential.

In August, the 10 year Town Plan or Plan of Conservation and Development is in process of being approved by the TPZ. Because of public input, all high density housing references are eliminated and high priority is placed on conservation.

2010 Open Space Committee formed in January to look into all undeveloped properties in Newington with the focus on Cedar Mountain. This committee can only make recommendations to the Town Council but can research grants and land trusts.

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